from .action import Action
[docs]class State:
Models states in a MDP.
cell_id: int
cell_type: int
actions: dict
def __init__(self, cell_id: int, possible_moves: dict, cell_type: int) -> None:
cell_id: int
Cell index in world's grid.
possible_moves: dict
cell_type: int
0 -> road, 1 -> start, 2 -> goal, -1 -> obstacle
self.cell_id = cell_id
self.cell_type = cell_type
for move, next_state_data in possible_moves.items():
if not isinstance(move, Action):
raise ValueError("Move should be an Action instance")
assert "cell_id" in next_state_data
assert "reward" in next_state_data
assert "is_goal" in next_state_data
assert "transition_probability" in next_state_data
self.actions = possible_moves
[docs] def get_action_results(self, action: Action) -> dict:
Retrieves the results of performing specified `action` in current state.
action: gridworld.models.Action
Action to be performed.
results: dict
Format: {cell_id: int, reward: gridworld.models.Reward, transition_probability: float, is_goal: bool}
return self.actions[action]