Source code for gridworld.models.agent

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa:F401

from .action import Action
from .world import World

[docs]class Agent: """ Models a Markov Decision Process-based agent. Parameters ---------- policy: numpy.ndarray state_value_function: numpy.ndarray q_function: dict environment: gridworld.models.World """ def __init__(self): self.policy: np.ndarray = np.array([]) self.state_value_function: np.ndarray = np.array([]) self.q_function: dict = {} self.environment: World = World()
[docs] def run_value_iteration(self, max_iterations: int = 100000, threshold: float = 1e-20, gamma=0.99) -> None: """ Estimates optimal state-value function. Parameters ---------- max_iterations: float Maximum number of iterations when looking for state-value function. threshold: float Minimum change that should happen to continue value search iteration. gamma: float Discount factor """"\t- Starting value iteration") values = np.zeros(self.environment.num_states) q_function = {} for iteration in range(max_iterations): old_values = values.copy() for state in range(self.environment.num_states): q_values = {} state = self.environment.get_state(state) for action in state.actions: next_state_data = state.get_action_results(action) reward = next_state_data["transition_probability"] * ( next_state_data["reward"] + gamma * old_values[next_state_data["cell_id"]]) q_values[action.value] = reward values[state.cell_id] = np.max(list(q_values.values())) q_function[state.cell_id] = q_values if np.fabs(values - old_values).sum() < threshold:"\t\t· Done in {iteration} iterations") break self.q_function = q_function
[docs] def run_policy_iteration(self, max_iterations: int = 200000, gamma: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Estimates optimal policy function. Parameters ---------- max_iterations: float Maximum number of iterations when looking for policy function. gamma: float Discount factor """"\t- Starting policy iteration") num_states = len(self.environment.states) policy = np.zeros(num_states) optimal_value_function = np.zeros(num_states) for iteration in range(max_iterations): old_policy = policy.copy() optimal_value_function = self.evaluate_policy(policy) policy = self.improve_policy(optimal_value_function, gamma) if np.array_equal(policy, old_policy):"\t\t· Done in {iteration} iterations") break self.policy = policy self.state_value_function = optimal_value_function
[docs] def evaluate_policy(self, policy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Evaluates a policy (Q value for each cell). Parameters ---------- policy: numpy.ndarray Policy to be evaluated using agents estimated Q function. Returns ------- state_value_function: numpy.ndarray """ value_function = np.zeros(self.environment.num_states) for state in range(self.environment.num_states): state = self.environment.get_state(state) action = policy[state.cell_id] value_function[state.cell_id] = self.q_function[state.cell_id][Action(action).value] return value_function
[docs] def improve_policy(self, value_function, gamma) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes a new policy for the given values. Parameters ---------- value_function: numpy.ndarray Maximum Q values obtained with the curren policy gamma: float Discount factor Returns ------- new_policy: numpy.ndarray """ num_states = len(self.environment.states) policy = np.zeros(num_states) for state in range(num_states): best_q_function = None best_action = None state = self.environment.get_state(state) for action in state.actions: next_state_data = state.get_action_results(action) reward = next_state_data["transition_probability"] * ( next_state_data["reward"] + gamma * value_function[next_state_data["cell_id"]]) if best_q_function is None or reward > best_q_function: best_q_function = reward best_action = action policy[state.cell_id] = best_action.value return policy
[docs] def solve(self): """Solves the board using all estimated parameters.""" player_positions = [self.environment.starting_position] reached_goal = False while not reached_goal: current_cell_id = player_positions[-1] next_action = Action(self.policy[current_cell_id]) next_cell_data = self.environment.get_state(current_cell_id).actions[next_action] next_cell_state = self.environment.get_state(next_cell_data["cell_id"]) if next_cell_state.cell_id in player_positions or next_cell_state.cell_type == -1: player_positions.append(next_cell_data["cell_id"]) break player_positions.append(next_cell_data["cell_id"]) reached_goal = next_cell_data["is_goal"] return player_positions, reached_goal
[docs] def plot_q_function(self): """Polts a 3D density plot representing agent's Q function values distribution.""" cells = np.arange(0, self.environment.num_states, 1) actions = np.arange(0, len(Action), 1) q_values = np.zeros((len(cells), len(actions))) for cell in cells: for action in actions: q_values[cell, action] = self.q_function[cell][action] q_values[q_values < 0] = -1 * (np.exp(q_values[q_values < 0]) - 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 7)) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(np.expand_dims(cells, -1), np.expand_dims(actions, 0), q_values, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='RdYlGn', edgecolor='none') ax.set_xlabel('CELL ID') ax.set_ylabel('ACTION') ax.set_zlabel('Q FUNCTION (SMOOTHED)') ax.set_title('TRAINING RESULTS') fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) ax.view_init(60, 35) plt.xticks(cells) plt.yticks(actions)